Navigate to onOffice > Estates and click on the “Detail View” tab.
Save the detail view and copy the shortcode. Paste the shortcode on a WordPress page that you want to use as your detail view. You can also create a new page for this purpose.
Note that the detail view will only work properly if you have the permalinks set to “post name”. This is the default setting in WordPress.
Navigate to onOffice > Estates and click on the “Detail View” tab. Similar to property lists, you can view fields from onOffice enterprise.
The first field list is for the property contact person. Below that is the field list for the property information. You can select fields on the left and add them to the list on the right, as well as customize the order, as with property list fields.
If you want to show similar properties on the details page, go to the “Similar Estates” tab and check the first box to enable them. You can set which similar properties should be shown and which fields should be displayed for them.
How do I improve the pagespeed of property listings / detail pages?
- Dequeue of unused scripts and CSS etc. in WordPress
- We recommend Cloudimage for images
Related links
Why are no requests for property being received?
As soon as a contact person of the broker type is assigned to the property, the mails are always sent directly to this contact person. If no contact person is stored, the standard e-mail from the settings is used.
Is it possible to have an external object number in the URL?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to include an external property number in the URL, only the record number can be used for unique identification in onOffice enterprise and the plugin.
Can I remove the property number in the URL? Why is the property number always in the URL?
- Unfortunately it cannot be removed, as this is required for unique identification.
- In the plugin settings, the detail view URL can be set that the title of the property (maximum the first 5 words) is added and displayed in the URL. The title is placed after the record number, e.g. /1234-beautiful-location-with-view
Why is formatting such as wrapping lost transfering from onOffice?
- Automatic formatting is available in standard templates from version 2.20.5. For customers with customized templates based on older versions, this is only possible through additional customization.
- ?php echo nl2br($currentEstate[‘objektbeschreibung’]); ?
“}” data-sheets-userformat=”{“2″:13185,”3”:{“1″:0},”10″:0,”11″:4,”12″:0,”15″:”Roboto Mono”,”16″:10}” data-sheets-textstyleruns=”{“1”:0}{“1″:94,”2”:{“6”:1}}”>For custom templates from older versions the following code must be added:
- ?php echo nl2br($currentEstate[‘objektbeschreibung’]); ?
Why does my property detail view not work (link to detail page does not work)?
- No detail page created where the shortcode is placed.
- If the shortcode is placed on a page, saving the page again can solve the problem with some page builders like Elementor. Now and then the builder does not recognize the shortcode.
Related links
Why is my energy certificate displayed without a scale?
The plugin only displays the values entered in onOffice enterprise. There is no graphical display on a scale. This can only be created via an custom template. By default, the scale is only possible as an image from onOffice.
Why are the images on the details page only 1 pixel high?
The slider is probably overwritten by CSS or similar from the theme, page builder (e.g. Elementor)
Why is the contact person data not displayed on the property details page?
- Rights of the contact person / API not sufficient
- The property does not have a stored contact person of the type “Real Estate Agent”.
- The fields were not created in the plugin
Related links
Why are parking lots output as an array Array Array?
Please update the plugin. With version 4.8 from 09.02.2023 the output of parking spaces is available.